Data Conversion#
- class'.')#
Class that facilitates the conversion of the data into its intended final type
- Parameters:
working_directory (-) – Main working directory for pydicer. Defaults to “.”.
- add_entry(entry: dict)#
Add an entry of a converted data object to the patient’s converted dataframe.
- Parameters:
entry (dict) – A dictionary object describing the object converted.
- convert(patient: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, force: bool = True)#
Converts the DICOM which was preprocessed into the pydicer output directory.
- Parameters:
patient (str|list, optional) – Patient ID or list of patient IDs to convert. Defaults to None.
force (bool, optional) – When True objects will be converted even if the output files already exist. Defaults to True.
- str) str #
Get the type of the object (used for the output path)
- Parameters:
sop_class_uid (str) – The SOP Class UID of the object
- Returns:
The object type
- Return type:
- Union[DataFrame, list], ignore_duplicates: bool = False) list #
function to interpolate missing slices in an image
Example usage:
from import handle_missing_slice input_dic = [ { "file_path" : "path/to/dicom_file_1.dcm", "slice_location: -100 }, { "file_path" : "path/to/dicom_file_2.dcm", "slice_location: -98 }, { "file_path" : "path/to/dicom_file_3.dcm", "slice_location: -96 }, ... ] file_paths_list = handle_missing_slices(input_dict)
- Parameters:
df_files (pd.DataFrame|list) – the DataFrame which was produced by PreprocessData
slices (or list of filepaths to dicom) –
ignore_duplicates (booleanbool, optional) – specifices whether the function is to ignore
ones (duplicate slices when handling missing) –
- Returns:
a list of the interpolated file paths
- Return type:
- str, df_preprocess: DataFrame) DataFrame #
Find the image series linked to this FOR
- Parameters:
for_uid (str) – The Frame of Reference UID
df_preprocess (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the preprocessed DICOM data.
- Returns:
DataFrame of the linked series entries
- Return type:
Header Conversion#
- pydicer.convert.headers.convert_dicom_headers(dcm_file: Union[str, Path], binary_path: str, json_file: Union[str, Path])#
Save the DICOM Headers as a JSON file
- Parameters:
dcm_file (str|pathlib.Path) – The files from which to save the headers.
binary_path (str) – Relative path to binary data which will be placed into JSON.
json_file (str|pathlib.Path) – Path to JSON file to save output.
RTSTRUCT Conversion#
- pydicer.convert.rtstruct.convert_rtstruct(dcm_img, dcm_rt_file, prefix='Struct_', output_dir='.', output_img=None, spacing=None)#
Convert a DICOM RTSTRUCT to NIFTI masks.
The masks are stored as NIFTI files in the output directory
- Parameters:
dcm_img (list|SimpleITK.Image) – List of DICOM paths (as str) to use as the reference image series or a SimpleITK image of the already converted image.
dcm_rt_file (str|pathlib.Path) – Path to the DICOM RTSTRUCT file
prefix (str, optional) – The prefix to give the output files. Defaults to “Struct” + underscore.
output_dir (str|pathlib.Path, optional) – Path to the output directory. Defaults to “.”.
output_img (str|pathlib.Path, optional) – If set, write the reference image to this file as in NIFTI format. Defaults to None.
spacing (list, optional) – Values of image spacing to override. Defaults to None.
- pydicer.convert.rtstruct.write_nrrd_from_mask_directory(mask_directory, output_file, colormap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>)#
Produce a NRRD file from a directory of masks in Nifti format
- Parameters:
mask_directory (pathlib.Path|str) – Path object of directory containing masks
output_file (pathlib.Path|str) – The output NRRD file to write to.
color_map (matplotlib.colors.Colormap | dict, optional) – Colormap to use for output. Defaults to matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap(“rainbow”).
PET Conversion#
-, output_filepath)#
Function to convert the dicom files contained in input_filepaths to one NIFTI image.
- Parameters:
input_filepaths (list) – list of the dicom paths
output_filepath (str) – path to the output file path where to store the NIFTI file.
- Raises:
ValueError – Error to alert when the weight is missing from the PT, to compute the SUV.
RuntimeError – Error to alert when one or more slices are missing
ValueError – Raised when a modality or a unit (for the PT) is not handled.
- Returns:
The numpy image, used to compute the bounding boxes
- Return type:
Function to Get physical values from raw PET
- Parameters:
slices – all pet slices of this patient
- Returns:
extract physical values for pet
-, pixel_spacing, image_position_patient)#
Function to get sitk volume from np image
- Parameters:
np_image – extracted pet data with numpy format
pixel_spacing – extracted pixel spacing information
image_position_patient – extracted image position about this patient
- Returns:
a pet sitk data
-, decay_time, patient_weight)#
Function to Get SUV from raw PET if units = “BQML”
- Parameters:
slices – all pet slices from this patient
decay_time – decay time
patient_weight – patient weight information
- Returns:
suv results
Function to Get SUV from raw PET if units = “CNTS”
- Parameters:
slices – all pet slices from this patient
- Returns:
suv philips results
-, y, tolerance=0.05)#
Function to know is_approx_equal
- Parameters:
y (x and) – two values to be compared
- Returns:
True or False